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How to create docker images and containers


Gone are the days where we manually move the code to different environments and losing of time in checking the files are properly in SYNC across all environments. After using CI-CD tools, manual deployment has removed and various code & deployment best practices can integrate in build and Deployment Pipeline. After deployment, Orchestration/Cloud computing tools helping the system to scale up/down the deployments based on the request for more availability of a resource.

Though we have automated deployments, there are challenges in moving our build to different environments/systems due to missing of software’s in the destination machines. We may need to spend some level of checks to ensure the required software’s are present in the environment before deployment. To eliminate this drawback, docker help to package the files along with supporting packages that will help the application to run independently without looking for software to run the application inside OS.

This Article targets the below areas in explaining how to create docker images and containers with simple steps,

1.       To create simple Service API using .Net Core

2.       Packaging the Files and necessary components to create “Docker” Image

3.       Run the Image using “Docker” Containers

4.       Pushing the Docker Image into Docker hub Repository


Docker is an Open Source tool that will help to create, deploy and run applications using Containers. Containers allows developers to package an application with all parts it needs (like project dependencies, supporting framework) and create an Image (Package) out of it. Docker gives run time environment called, as Container. Packaged image will push into container and expose it for outer world. The same image/package can push to different environment without worrying about the required softwares are present in the environment except Docker!

Docker uses Hypervisors native to the Operating system. However, Docker on Windows and OSX still runs inside the Linux Virtual Machine. (Specifically, it uses the lightweight Alpine Linux Distribution)

1.       xhyve on OS X

2.       Microsoft Hyper-V on Windows

Docker for Desktop can be downloaded from here.


1.       Docker Desktop should be present on windows and Hypervisor should be running on a machine.

2.       Should have knowledge in developing Service API using .Net Core (or) .Net Framework. I have used .Net core to create the service.

Docker should be running on your machine.

docker is running

Service API using .Net Core

Let's create simple service API to create docker image out of it. Follow the below instructions to create the same.

Step 1:

Create Service API using .Net Core by selecting “Web API” template. We are going to expose the API using Docker container. Below in the end point code,



    public class ValuesController : ControllerBase


// GET api/values


        public ActionResult<IEnumerable<string>> Get()


            return new string[] { "value1", "value2" };


        // GET api/values/5


        public ActionResult<string> Get(int id)


            return "Value of API " + id.ToString();



Step 2:

Make sure the Project is running successfully in the Localhost and able to access the API. This is just  verification step.

Step 3:

Create the “dockerfile” to get the required packages while packing it. Place it in the root directory of the project. I have given my dockerfile code below for reference.

FROM microsoft/dotnet:sdk AS build-env


# Copy csproj and restore as distinct layers

COPY *.csproj ./

RUN dotnet restore

# Copy everything else and build

COPY . ./

RUN dotnet publish -c Release -o out

# Build runtime image

FROM microsoft/dotnet:aspnetcore-runtime


COPY --from=build-env /app/out .

ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "MyServiceAPI.dll"]

Packaging File using Docker command

Step 1: Open Powershell/CMD Prompt with Administrator Rights.

Step 2: Navigate to the Folder and Run the below command

docker build -t mycurrentapp .

This will download necessary packages from the Docker Hub and creates a Package (i.e. image).

Step 3: To check Image created, run the below command

docker images

You will be able to see the list of images in your docker repository.

 docker images


Docker Container

Create a container by publishing your image using the below command. Docker container will help the Image/Package to run inside it.

To run the container, Port needs to be assigned; I have used 5060 to expose an image from the container.

Use the below command to Port an Image inside the container,

docker run -d -p 5060:80 --name myserviceapi mycurrentapp

To view the containers which are present in your docker, run the below command.

docker container ls

docker ps

Below will the output for the above commands (run and container ls),

 docker Run

You will be able to see the output in your browser as below.

docker port running

When you update the code, you need to refresh the image and re-deploy it in the container to use the updated functionalities of your Service API.

To Stop the existing running container, use the below command.

  docker container stop <container id>

To Start the existing container, use the below command.

 docker container start <container id>

To view complete details about the container, use the below command.

 docker container inspect <containerid>

To view Network details about container, use the below commands

docker inspect <<containerid>> -f "{{json .NetworkSettings.Networks }}"

docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' <<containerid>>

To remove the existing container, use the below command. consider stopping the container before removing it.

docker container rm <container id>

To remove the existing image, use the below command

docker rmi <image id>

Push Image into Docker Hub Repository

Step 1: Sign up into docker hub through Powershell.

                docker login

                Enter username & password and make sure you logged into the Docker Hub portal.

Step 2: Tag Your Image

                Run the below command to tag your image

docker tag <ImageName> <username>/my-image:part1

Step 3: Push your Image to Docker Hub

                docker push <ImageName> <username>/my-image:part1

                Above command will push the image into your docker hub repository and you can pull and re-use it later (or) on different environments.

You can view more docker commands in the below link.

That is! Now you have learnt how to create docker image and docker container. In the next article, we will see how to use docker in Linux Containers, Kubernetes and Container Orchestration process. 

About Author
Raj Kumar
Total Posts 57
Developer in .Net!
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