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ESP32 Camera in Station Mode


This Article explains how to set up ESP 32 Camera Module to work in  Station Mode

The ESP32-CAM in station mode (also called STA mode) refers to its ability to connect to an existing Wi-Fi network as a client. In this mode, the ESP32-CAM acts like any other Wi-Fi-enabled device (such as a phone or laptop), connecting to the Wi-Fi network provided by a router.

Key Points of ESP32-CAM in Station Mode:

  1. Wi-Fi Client: In station mode, the ESP32-CAM is a client on the Wi-Fi network, allowing it to connect to other devices on the network or access the internet.

  2. Webcam Streaming: When using the ESP32-CAM in station mode, it can stream video or images over Wi-Fi to a web server or a client device (like a smartphone or PC), which is connected to the same network.

  3. IP Address: The ESP32-CAM is assigned an IP address by the router (usually via DHCP), which allows devices on the same network to access the camera feed.

  4. Remote Access: In station mode, you can access the camera feed from other devices on the network by entering the IP address of the ESP32-CAM in a web browser.

Example Use Case:

If you have an ESP32-CAM set up in station mode, and it connects to your home Wi-Fi network, you can open a web browser on your PC or smartphone (connected to the same Wi-Fi network) and view the live video feed by typing the ESP32-CAM’s assigned IP address in the browser.


ESP32 Web Cam Module - 1
Jumper Pins - 4 to 5 Numbers
USB to TTL Converter (To Program the ESP32 alone)

Program the ESP 32 Camera Module:

Connect the ESP 32 Camera Module and make sure the respective Port is selected in the Arduino IDE. Then Go to File > Examples > ESP32 > Camera > CameraWebServer  Code. It will load the default Code, make the below code changes to make ESP 32 work in Soft Access Point Mode.

Update SSID:
const char* ssid = "xxxxxxxxxxxx";
const char* password = "xxxxxxxxxxxx";

Uncomment the below code:

Connect to ESP 32 Camera Module:
After uploading the code, You can connect to ESP32 Module through WIFI Settings on your Smart Device and access this Local IP "" in your Browser to view the Video Stream of ESP32 Camera Module.





Click on the "Start Stream" to view the Video Stream from ESP32 WebCam.

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Raj Kumar
Total Posts 57
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